The workshop Braun Vogt Wagner was founded at the
beginning of the 80s in Oberammergau. Actually Markus Wagner is the only one who keeps on going the traditional local
production of jumping jacks and puppets, the so-called ‘Fadengaukler’ ,
string tricksters or ‘Schnuerkasperl’, is being continued and brought up
to todays standard.

These 'Schnuerkasperl' are
either traditional figures or modern, newly invented figures and they
get exclusively made by hand and by the team at their place of origin.
Part of the reason is the continuation of the subversive,
country-dweller banter which is behind many a traditional
Schnuerkasperl. An example is the boxing champion who here is shown as a
mouse who despite a black eye swings his boxing gloves or the huntsman
who has grown large horns and so has himself turned into a stag.
the parts of a Schnuerkasperl are cut from the trunk of a specifis
spruce into thin splints and shaped exclusively with carving knives.
The brittle wood structure is characteristic for this splintering
The parts of the body are attached through the aid of tiny
wooden pegs. This means that they are rotatable through their linchpin,
and are attached to each other with string. If this string is pulled,
which is tied underneath to the other strings, all the arms and legs
move. Simple carving of heads and all the other important detail
through the old technique of chip carving bring out the personal traits
of each figure. Another special distinguishing mark is the the typical
fine colouring of the Oberammergau. At the so-called 'Fassmalerei'
which is the traditional method of painting church figures secretly
developments colour and lacquer combinations are applied. To
diferentiate real Schnuerkasperl from Oberammergau they are given a seal which garantues the handicraft and origin as local.