The times they are changing and the
tea or coffeee pot as ruler of the sumptuously laid tea-table
surrounded by fawning staff made up of cups and saucers, plates,
sugar-bowls and cake-stands, all matching, all with the same pattern
– that time is long gone. Today we are ruled by diversity and
originality on the table: high time to rethink the meaning of the
function and decoration of the pot or jug.

Certainly this observation has not gone
unnoticed by professional designers and they have come up with a
great variety of ideas. And yet the subject 'The jug is dead –
long live the jug' of the design students at the Designhochschule in
Halle, Burg Giebichenstein is something rather special. By comparing
the different solutions it becomes apparent what varied solutions can
be found for the simple object 'jug'. So the death of the jug is
immediately followed by its resurrection in an impressive variety of
creative designs, concentrated to optimise functionality and form,
inspired by looking at it from philosophical, innovative or even
ironical perspectives.
The topic in this project became the
learning space which enabled quite frequently for the first time the
design process of a jug all the way to the manufacture of it in
porcelain. The results are either unique objects following specific
demand and solution of functionality or else they are the
experimental, object designed for practical use on the hunt for new
ways to express this.
head of project: Prof. Hubert Kittel
Designers: Claudia Bischoff, Maria Boddin,Tom
Hambrock, Lisa Kaufmann, Atsushi Kitahara, Marie-Luise Knittel, Bomi
Lee, Isabel Mückel, Andreas Pilarski, Nela Treskova
most of the pots are even for sale!